Wednesday, August 29, 2012

#4: Politics from my Point of View.

I don’t know much about politics, aside from the two simple words- democrat and republican. Ask me whose running, and I can only repeat the name of the current president. However, the reason I do not follow politics is because presidential elections- or any sort of politics for that matter- seem almost pointless to get involved in. It’s all about what the promise to do, but can never commit to doing so. It’s about social stature, and propaganda. The media feeds us lies about what the next guy will do to make the United States so much better than the previous president, however- it never fails that society is constantly disappointed.

From my limited political point of view, I believe that the people of society should be the number one priority. We make up this world; we work here, live here, and die here. Why not listen to the people? Our generation will set the stage for those to come, and without a voice, we are just another person in the crowd that will have little effect- if any, on modern society.

I do favor a democracy; however, voting can cause quite a spurious result. The people are asked to pick who they want to be elected for office, and that is it. Of course, it would be nearly impossible for someone to look at every single voter’s reason as to why.

Overall, I believe that making the people happy is a top priority. I believe in the rights we have, and that people should be expected to abide by laws and follow the rules of society. But we need to have freedom. One may say that we do have freedom, but do we really? Why is something that can cause no harm to anyone, such as gay marriage, be illegal in most states? In fact, I believe it causes emotional harm in those who favor having a same sex relationship. Should they be denied the right to marry whom they love?

Overall, it all boils down to something so simple, yet so complex- the people. Our government should be favorable and desirable to us, since those elected will further shape society as we know it.


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